A Section 38 Agreement is used between a Developer and a Local Authority to ensure the adoption and completion of a new road on a new development. This Agreement requires a bond to ensure the local authority has access to funds to cover any outstanding obligations if the Developer defaults on the Agreement.
Once constructed to an agreed-upon standard, the local authority will adopt the new highway and maintain it for the foreseeable future at the public’s expense.
After receiving Building Regulation approval, the Developer should receive a notice under Section 220 of the Highways Act 1980. The Highway Authority makes the assessment, which will either be charged for individual plots or a block assessment covering the whole development.
The Developer should pay the sums assessed or enter into a Section 38 Agreement before any work commences on the construction of any building on the development.
Sometimes, the bond covering the full estimated construction cost of the roads will be more than the amount required to bring the road up to adoption standards. However, in such cases, the Highway Authority may reduce the bond to a suitable figure which will, in its estimation, cover the cost of the outstanding work at its discretion.